BGPv4 Configuration

All Flock Network configuration files are in the toml format. If the configuration file exists the protocol is enabled, otherwise it remains disabled.

Example /etc/flockd/bgpv4.toml

id = "" # BGP ID of this router
as_id = 65016 # Autonomous System this router is part of
# Originate networks into BGP
ip_prefix = ""
ip_prefix = ""

# iBGP neighbors (as_id == local.as_id)
as_id = 65016
# Allow iBGP neighbors to not have eBGP subnets in their IPv4 RIB
next_hop_self = true
ip = ""
local_ip = ""
# Set non-default timers for this neighbor
ip = ""
local_ip = ""
keep_alive = 30
hold_time = 90

# AS65017 eBGP neighbors (as_id != local.as_id)
as_id = 65017
ip = ""
ip = ""